June 20, 2023

The future of e-commerce transactions

The proposal of the European Commission about the EU Customs Reform (COM(2023) 258 final) will have a big impact on e-commerce transactions of imported goods. The reform will make online […]
June 13, 2023

Trust and Check trader

The EU Customs Reform introduces the Trust and Check trader status. These traders shall grant the customs authorities access to their electronic systems keeping record of their compliance and the […]
March 15, 2023

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)

The European Commission defines the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) as a climate measure that has the objective to prevent the risk of carbon leakage and support the EU on […]
November 16, 2021

Les entreprises et les procédures douanières

Un outil pratique et indispensable pour vous aider dans l’application des droits de douane et des autres mesures liées au commerce international Le départ du Royaume-Uni de l’Union européenne en […]
October 4, 2021

Are you using EXW Incoterm at export?

For various reasons that we are not going to detail here, we are not encouraging companies to export using EXW Incoterm. However, it is a fact that there are companies […]